
Typology is the study of types. In photography, the main thing to focus on in typology is that every photo, every image has to be the same style and type as the other images and the framing must be dead-centre in each photograph.
Typography as a technique is used to show the varying types of each of the things photographed.

For one of my typologies I decided to look at different types of shoes. I made sure each of the pairs were in the centre and I tried to get as many different shoes as I could get hold of to show the varying types.
In Photoshop I then adjusted the levels of each photograph as well as the curves, brightness, changed the vibrancy and added a Gradient Fill to each individual photo.


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This is my blog for my A2 Photography course. This is where I will be posting pictures that I have taken myself/edited/created.

Read the Printed Word!

